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16 min read
The Science Students Who Want to Engineer the End of Caste
Riya Talitha (This article was originally published on The Third Eye and can be viewed here .The article was developed as part of The...

8 min read
Building Cities on Inequality: On India’s Hostile Architecture Problem
Sakshi S. Kadam writes on the impact of hostile architecture design on the homeless living in India's urban centres

7 min read
Taming the Snake in The Sarson: Punjab’s Protesting Farmers and their Global Community of Support
In a follow-up piece to our primer on the farm laws, Ashveer Pal Singh explores the aftermath of the repealment on the farmer's protest.

7 min read
The Best Predictor of Future Behavior: On the Need to Affirm Women in the Histories We Tell
When women are left out of history, they inevitably disappear from our accounts of the present and our formation of the future as well.

7 min read
Vaccine Slot Machine: How India fell behind in the Race for COVID Immunisation
As part of the TLP X Aara Health collaboration, the authors discuss India's current vaccine policy and its shortcomings.

3 min read
From the Editorial Desk: A Note on the Current Situation in India and Resources to Help
In moments of tragedy, we look to find what is helping, who is helping, how we can help. We’ve compiled a list of resources that can help.
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