Today might be international women's day, but if it were up to us, you'd be celebrated every day.
(But sure, we'll take the bandwagon on this one. Because there's enough of the no-good going on, so we're going to grasp at this random hallmarky straw.)
They say that if we have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. Let's taken in that view together.
On this #InternationalWomansDay we share our favourite reads by woman of colour, from the essential feminist theory of Angela Davis to the heart wrenching novels of Jhumpa Lahiri.
Because when we share women’s stories, we better understand the diversity of what it means to be a woman - an academic fighting colonization in the 2000's, a Muslim woman fighting for the right to exist, or a queer Desi in the shadows.
When we read each other’s experiences, we share in our joy, our sorrows, and the love and solidarity between us.

This #IWD22, do a book exchange with a friend, donate your old reads at a charity drive, or pick up a new woman’s story at your local bookstore. Cheers to IWD2022. (But real talk, let's all wake up tmrw and pretend that's an international women's day too.)